The Continuous Dynamic Portal for Developers
Black Duck will alert you to vulnerabilities in your applications either in code (Sentinel Source - static analysis) or in your production environment (Continuous Dynamic DAST). In the Continuous Dynamic Portal, you can track the vulnerabilities associated with your assets and/or specific vulnerabilities, request vulnerability retests, or ask a question directly of our Threat Research Center engineers.
Continuous Dynamic Tools
The Peer Benchmarking Dashboard is designed to show you how your overall security compares with other businesses both in your industry and globally. The measurements reflected in the dashboard include the percentage of your assets that have vulnerabilities, the average number of open vulnerabilities, the remediation rate, and how many days it takes to resolve a vulnerability, on average.
The Frameworks Dashboard is also available; for users with Maven or NuGet repositories, this dashboard will alert you to CVE alerts, commonly used frameworks, out of date frameworks, license information for your assets, and libraries used in your assets. This will generally be of greater interest to your Security and Development teams.
Vulnerability Reports
The Portal offers detailed Vulnerability Reports for both sites and applications (assets under Continuous Dynamic and Sentinel Source, respectively).
A variety of other dashboards and reports are available, as described under The Continuous Dynamic Portal for Managers, The Continuous Dynamic Portal for Security Teams, and The Continuous Dynamic Portal for Administrators.
The Portal also offers integration with JIRA® to allow you to integrate vulnerability information into your workflow as simply and consistently as possible.