Using Directed Remediation - Libraries

Sentinel Source uses custom libraries to support the patches suggested by the directed remediation function. To use those patches, you need to download the libraries that support them.

The source code for the libraries is provided in the Download Dependencies files in the Directed Remediation tab. Developers are encouraged to review the source code in order to understand how it functions and what capabilities it offers.

When Directed Remediation is first enabled, the Terms and Conditions must be accepted at that time. These are available for review at

Adding the Library to a Java Project

In Eclipse

To add the library to your Java project in Eclipse, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Eclipse.

    java eclipse add library 1

  2. Select Preferences from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select User Libraries from the menu displayed in the left panel.

    java eclipse add library 2

  4. Click New.

  5. Type a User library name in the text field.

    java eclipse add library 3

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Add External JARs.

    java eclipse add library 4

  8. Select the downloaded .jar file from the Directed Remediation Library downloaded from Sentinel.

    java eclipse add library 5

  9. Click Open.

  10. Select Javadoc location:.

    java eclipse add library 6

  11. Click Edit.

  12. Click Browse.

    java eclipse add library 7

  13. Select the folder or directory containing the API documentation.

    java eclipse add library 8

  14. Click Open.

  15. Click Validate.

    java eclipse add library 9

  16. Click OK.

    java eclipse add library 10

  17. Click OK to close the Preferences window.

    java eclipse add library 11

Once the user library has been added successfully, it needs to be added to the project build path.

Configure Build Path In Eclipse

To add the library to the projects build path, perform the following steps:

  1. Right click on the project and select Build Path

    java eclipse build path 1

  2. Select Add Libraries.

  3. Select User Library.

    java eclipse build path 2

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click the checkbox to add a library to the classpath.

    java eclipse build path 3

  6. Click Finish. The library is displayed in the Package Explorer beneath the default Java class folder.

In IntelliJ

To add the library to your Java project in IntelliJ IDE, perform the following steps:

  1. Select File from the menu bar.

    java intellij add library 1

  2. Select Project Structure.

  3. Click Libraries.

    java intellij add library 2

  4. Click the plus (+) icon.

  5. Select Java from the dropdown.

  6. Select the .jar file to add.

    java intellij add library 3

  7. Click Open.

  8. Select the module to add the library to.

    java intellij add library 4

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click OK to close the Project Structure window.

    java intellij add library 5

Adding the Library to a C# Project

To add the .NET library to your C# project, perform the following steps:

  1. Unzip the folder

  2. Save the .dll file to the third-party dependencies folder in the source tree.

  3. Right click the references folder and select Add Reference.

  4. Browse to find the extracted folder and select the .dll file

  5. In classes that are intended to use this library, insert using in the using statements at the top of the class.

  6. You can now access the library.