Vulnerability Details Reports

Label | Field Name | Description | Report Purpose | ||
a |
The Attack Vector Details Report provides a listing of attack vectors found on your sites or APIs. Attack vectors are the specific location an attacker could use to exploit a given vulnerability found on your assets. In addition to the location and time the vulnerability was discovered, the attack vector details include a breakdown of the exact request and response so that developers can easily address the problem. |
b |
The Vulnerability Detail Report — Sites provides detailed descriptions of the vulnerabilities found on the sites selected for this report, grouped by vulnerability class. Each report section contains a full description of the vulnerability class, remediation instructions for that class, and a list of specific instances of that vulnerability on each site.
c |
The Vulnerability Detail Report — Applications includes detailed description of the vulnerabilities found in each application selected for this report, grouped by category, and includes for reference the code snippets associated with the vulnerabilities.
d |
Vulnerability Detail Report (Mobile Applications) |
The Vulnerability Details report provides detailed information about the vulnerabilities identified in the mobile application code selected for this report, grouped by category, and includes for reference the code snippets associated with the vulnerabilities.