Managing Your Sites

Managing your sites will require:

These tasks can be done from the Asset Management page, either in bulk (for scan schedule, asset phase, asset status, or tags), or individually by clicking the name of the site. Clicking a site name will take you to the Asset Details page for the site.

The Site Overview page contains basic information about your site. If you are using the advanced scoring method, this will include the WhiteHat Security Index score for the site. (The WhiteHat Security Index is a measure of the overall security of the site, with a range between zero (0) and 800, with higher numbers indicating a more secure site overall.) For more information on the WhiteHat Security Index, please see the Security Index report description.

To customize or accept the business risk for a particular vulnerability or vulnerability class for a given site, please see Customizing Ratings by Vuln ID or Customizing Ratings by Policy.

Video Tutorial - The WhiteHat Portal Asset Tab