Site Scan Tab

The Site Scan tab displays information on the initial assessment, current scan status, scan speed, links tested, and credentials used in testing.

assets scan tab 1
Field No. Field Name Description


Scan Schedule

To set a schedule for your scan see Scheduling a Scan.


Scan Now

Select this icon to start a Scan Now, a confirmation box will appear as follows:

confirm scan now 1

Select Confirm to begin the scan immediately.


Initial Full Assessment

Shows the status of the initial full assessment, part of the on-boarding process for the site.


Scan Status

Shows the status of the current scan. This may be Paused for Schedule, Scan Completed, Scan Running, Scanning w/o Credentials (no working credentials available), or WHS Updating Configuration (Synopsys may pause scanning to update the configuration of the scanner).


Scans Completed

This gives the number of scans that have reached completion in the period named.


Scan Schedule

This is the name of the scan schedule for this site.


Maximum Scan Speed

The number of requests per second that the scanner will not exceed while scanning this site.


Credentials for Scanning

These credentials are used to allow the scan to test portions of your site that require a user log in to gain access.


Last Completed Scan

The date of completion for the last completed scan.


Link Information

Link information will give a count of the pages tested in the last completed scan and in the current scan. Clicking on the linked text will take you to a searchable list of the URLs for the pages in question.


Open Vulnerabilities - Verified

The number of verified vulnerabilities currently open for this site.

Video Tutorial - DAST Scan Tab