Mobile Application Findings Tab

The mobile application Findings tab provides a list of the vulnerabilities that have been identified for this application.

asset mobile findings tab
Field No. Field Name Description



Results on this page can be filtered to show only specific classes of vulnerabilities, specific ratings, or particular vuln statuses (e.g. open or closed).


Vulnerability List

For each vulnerability, the following is provided:

* A unique Vuln ID that identifies that particular vulnerability

* The vulnerability Rating (low, medium, high, or critical)

* The the vulnerability Class

* The Status (open/closed) of the vulnerability

* The dates on which the vuln was Last Opened

* The dates on which the vuln was Last Closed

* The dates on which the vuln was Last Retested

* If a retest is available, you can click on Retest for the specific vulnerability to retest it.

3a, 3b and 4

Vulnerability selection & Bulk Actions

For each vulnerability use the checkboxes to the left (3a) to select multiple vulnerabilities. Alternatively if you want to select all vulnerabilities in the list, use the master checkbox (3b). Then use the Bulk Actions (4) button to Retest Vulnerability, Customize Vulnerability or Change Vulnerability Status for all selected vulnerabilities.


Export CSV

You can export the information from the vulnerability list to a CSV file using this button.


Show CVSS Score

View your CVSS score here. For more details about CVSS scores, refer to CVSS.


Quick Actions

View Attack Vector information, view or add Vulnerability Tags and view or add Attack Vector Notes. For more details on these, please refer to the next section.

Quick Actions

Below each vulnerability you will see the "Quick Actions" that are available:

  • View attack vectors

    quick actions view attack vectors
  • View or add attack vector notes

    quick actions attack vector notes
  • View or add tags for this vulnerability

    quick actions vuln tags