About the Application Status

On the Schedules page is the “Apps” tab, which will list your applications and allow you to view application details or edit your application scan schedule.

application scan status

You may see the following application statuses on this page:

Status Description Recommended Action


The configuration process for this application is under way, but not yet complete

No action required.

Credentials Needed

Credentials for this application have not been created

Click on the status in the Status column to see the application overview; from here, click on “edit” next to the code base information to edit the code base and credential or certificate information. To add a new code base, click on “Add Code Base.”

Need Scan Schedule

No scan schedule has been assigned to this application

Click on “Change” in the “Actions column or click on the status in the Status column to select a scan schedule for this application.

Not Configured

The application has not yet been configured for scanning

Click on the status in the Status column to see the application overview; from here, you can select “Scan Configurations” to configure the application.

Scan Paused

The scan for this application has been paused, either due to the limitations of the schedule or by a user

No action required.

Scan Running

The scan for this application is in process

No action required.

Verification in

identified for this application are being verified

No action required.